NFTs are non-fungible tokens: unique and non-interchangeable units of stored data on a digital ledger (which is the blockchain). In a nutshell, NFTs can be viewed as representations of digital and physical goods, which are verifiable and unique. Keep up to date with NFTs by reading the latest NFT news here.
Examples of items that NFTs can represent are audio, videos and photos, as well as other types of digital files. NFTs use blockchain technology to verify and prove ownership. However, everyone can copy and share copies of original files. NFTs differ from blockchain crypto’s, such as BTC and ETH, because an NFT is non-fungible and has no interchangeability. Non-fungible tokens can be bought on marketplaces. OpenSea is one of the largest NFT marketplaces.
Just like around blockchain, there is a lot of excitement and hype around the NFT space. View the latest NFT news today by reading the articles in this category!